Lassithi Plateau & Knossos

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lasithi plateau
Knossos Palace
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Bus tour to Knossos🏛️Lasithi plateau 

This comprehensive tour offers travellers an enriching experience, allowing them to immerse themselves in the diverse offerings of the Plateau of Lassithi. From the ancient allure of the Cave of Zeus to the tranquil ambiance of the Monastery of Kera, and the quaint charm of the traditional village of Krasi, participants will embark on a journey through history, culture, and natural beauty.

In addition to exploring these captivating sites, participants will have the opportunity to engage in a hands-on workshop, delving into the intricate art of ceramics production dating back to the illustrious Minoan Civilization. Through this immersive experience, travellers will gain insight into the craftsmanship and techniques passed down through generations.

Furthermore, the tour offers a unique glimpse into the local economy and culinary traditions of Crete. Attendees will discover the secrets behind the production of regional delicacies, including wine, raki, and olive oil, directly from knowledgeable locals, enhancing their understanding of the island's rich gastronomic heritage.

A highlight of the day includes a visit to a traditional Cretan tavern, where participants will indulge in a sumptuous lunch meticulously prepared to showcase the flavours and specialities of the region. Against the backdrop of warm hospitality and authentic surroundings, travellers will savour every bite, further immersing themselves in the local culture.

As the day draws to a close, the tour culminates in a guided exploration of the renowned Archaeological Site of Knossos. As the capital of the ancient Minoan civilization, this archaeological treasure offers invaluable insights into Europe's earliest civilization. Led by an expert guide, participants will unravel the mysteries of this legendary site, tracing the footsteps of ancient civilizations and uncovering the profound legacy of Knossos.

Trip plan

🚏Stop at: the Village of Krasi

🚏Stop at: the historical Monasteries of Kera &Vidiani

🚏Stop at: the birthplace of Zeus at the Dikteon Cave

🚏Stop at: Attend a Ceramic Workshop and create your own pot

🚏Stop at: Discover the Minoan Palace of Knossos

What is included in the price

✅Pick-up from your hotel (at the specific tourist bus stop, outside of the hotel. No more than 800 m)

✅ Guided tour at Diktaion Antron cave (cave of Zeus)

✅ Guided tour at Historical Monasteries of Kera &Vidiani

✅ Keramik workshop

✅ Guided tour at Knossos

✅ Free time for lunch

✅ Transfer with air-conditioned bus

✅ Insurance

What is not included in the price

❎ Entrance fees to museums/sights, 

❎ individual expenses.

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