Monastery of Panagia Kera kardiotissa

  • Greece
  • Monastery of Panagia Kera kardiotissa
  • 105.4 km²
  • 11°C, Wind
  • Mon 12:19 am
  • Euro
  • Greek
  • 2.211 million

Location of Monastery of Panagia Kera kardiotissa⛪

The monastery of Panagia Kera kardiotissa is located 50 kilometres southeast of Heraklion in the Dikti Mountains. It is reached by driving from Hersonissos up to the Lasithi Plateau.

Monastery of Panagia Kera kardiotissa history

The monastery's consecration celebration is on the 8th of September. The history of the monastery, the legends and the traditions regarding the miraculous icon of the Theotokos attract every year many believers and make the monastery one of the most important religious centres of Crete. 

 As most of the monasteries of Crete and this monastery is connected with the miraculous icon of Virgin Mary, after which it takes its name (Kera means Our Lady), which is today located in the Church of San Alfonso in Rome. The icon was drawn by San Lazaro (9th century) and depicts Panagia (Virgin Mary) holding Jesus. According to the tradition, during the iconoclastic Era, this icon was moved to Constantinople, but returned back miraculously

The age of the monastery dates back to the 12th Century, but it is not known exactly when and by whom it was founded. The first written record dates from 1415.

The present church is built in four phases. Originally there was a single aisled temple that was later expanded with two rooms and a smaller chapel. Typical are the old frescoes of the 14th century, quite damaged by time.

Because of its fortified position, during the Cretan revolutions, the monastery of Kera served as the revolutionary centre of the local province and thus suffered many times Turkish attacks. Today Kera serves as a nunnery and it is worth a visit, especially if you combine it with Lassithi Plateau.

Is there etiquette when visiting Kera Kardiotissa Monastery?

Dress modestly - Maintain silence - Follow any photography guidelines

Be respectful of religious practices -Seek permission for restricted areas - Consider making a donation


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