Knossos Palace

  • Greece
  • Knossos Palace
  • 105.4 km²
  • 11°C, Wind
  • Mon 12:19 am
  • Euro
  • Greek
  • 2.211 million

Knossos Palace🏛

Knossos palace is the site of the most important and better-known palace of Minoan civilisation. According to tradition, it was the seat of the legendary king Minos. Apart from its construction and architecture, the Palace of Knossos is most famous for its connection to Greek mythology. Namely, the tale of the Labyrinth and the Minotaur and the one of Daedalus and Icarus. 

Knossos was discovered in 1878 by Minos Kalokairinos. Sir Arthur Evans conducted systematic excavations at the site between 1900 and 1931, bringing to light the palace, a large section of the Minoan city, and the cemeteries. Since then, the site and the surrounding area have been excavated by the British School of Archaeology at Athens and the 23rd E.P.C.A.

The palace structure we see today is not exactly as it looked in its original time, due to reconstruction and renovation throughout the years, and it is considered by some archaeologists as a facsimile. The palace complex is not believed to have just been the residence of the monarch but also as the civic, religious, and economic centre of Knossos. 

The restoration of the palace to its present form was carried out by Arthur Evans. The interventions were mostly imposed by the need to preserve the monuments uncovered. The Archaeological Service of the Ministry of Culture carries out only consolidation work, whenever necessary.

Location of Knossos Palace

Knossos Palace is situated near the north coast of central Crete, Greece, just outside the modern city of Heraklion.

Things to do in Knossos Palace

Explore the extensive ruins of the palace, including the Throne Room, the Central Court, and the Queen's Apartments.

Learn about the Minoan civilization, one of Europe's earliest advanced cultures, who built and inhabited the palace.

Admire the reconstructed frescoes depicting scenes of Minoan life and ceremonies.

Imagine the palace in its prime, a vibrant centre of power and culture during the Minoan era.

Take a guided tour to gain deeper insights into the history and significance of the palace.

What is it known Knossos Palace for

Knossos Palace is renowned for being the largest and most elaborate archaeological site of the Minoan civilization.

It is known for its labyrinthine layout, which inspired the myth of the Minotaur and Theseus.

The palace is famous for its impressive architecture and stunning frescoes, offering a glimpse into the artistic achievements of the Minoans.

Knossos Palace remains a powerful symbol of Crete's rich history and cultural heritage.




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