Heraklion Archaeological Museum

  • Greece
  • Heraklion Archaeological Museum
  • 105.4 km²
  • 11°C, Wind
  • Mon 12:19 am
  • Euro
  • Greek
  • 2.211 million

Heraklion Archaeological Museum 🏛️

Heraklion Archaeological Museum is a must-visit location as well as the Palace of Knossos. The original frescoes from Knossos are actually put on display at the museum. Natural History Museum is another great place to see and spend time, especially if you are in Crete with children. 

The most magnificent collection of Minoan art and culture in the world, unique in beauty and completeness is housed in the Museum of Herakleion; One of the largest, most important and most visited museums in Greece, and among the most important in Europe.

The museum's exhibition contains more than 15,000 artefacts, covering a period of 5,000 years, from neolithic era to Graeco Roman period.

The exhibits, collected from excavations carried out in all parts of Crete, come mainly from the prehistoric era (which takes its name from the legendary Cretan king, Minos) and form a valuable record of the artistic, social and economic life of the island during the ancient period. 

You can’t fully understand Crete, you can't complete your visit to Crete if you haven’t visited the significant  Archaeological Museum of Heraklion.  


 The Heraklion Archaeological Museum is situated in the heart of Heraklion city, Crete, Greece. It holds a prominent location close to the Venetian port and historical landmarks.

Things to do in Heraklion Archaeological Museum

Explore the extensive collection of artefacts, spanning from the Neolithic period to the Roman era, with a strong focus on Minoan civilization.

Witness iconic pieces like the Snake Goddess figurines, the Phaistos Disc, and the Minoan frescoes.

Learn about the history and culture of Crete through the various exhibits and displays.

Take a guided tour to gain deeper insights into the significance of the artefacts and the Minoan civilization.

Engage with interactive exhibits designed to enhance the learning experience, especially for families with children.

What is known Heraklion Archaeological Museum for?

The Heraklion Archaeological Museum is renowned for housing the world's largest collection of Minoan artefacts, offering an unparalleled glimpse into this fascinating ancient civilization.

It is known for its extensive and diverse collection, encompassing various periods of Cretan history.

The museum is famous for its iconic pieces, like the Snake Goddess figurines and the Minoan frescoes, which have become symbols of Crete's rich cultural heritage.

The Heraklion Archaeological Museum plays a crucial role in preserving and promoting Crete's history for future generations.


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